Minimax Algorithm


How does it Work?

It is a recursive definition that gives the best possible move for a given player. 

Does this work for everything? 

No! This algorithm only works for games that are purely stratigic, not involving chance. There is also the factor of how big the playing table is. Since this is a recursive definition, there is the issue of having a long process time. Since tic-tac-toe is relatively small, this is not an issue. 

Only two players 

This also has to be a game of two players, because the minimax algorithm utilizes only two players. The max player will always make the move with the greater value, and as you can guess the min player does the opposite. Below you can see how this works out. 


Alpha-Beta Pruning

  1. Alpha-Beta - Alpha is the best highest-value choice we have found so far along the path to the root. Beta is is the best lowest-value choice found so far along the path to the root.
  2. Removing Searches - A major benefit to alpha-beta pruning is that it decreases searches! This decreases the number of iterations as well as the time searching.

Senior Project Presentation

How I started & resources used 

Below lists more detail fo what i utilized. 


This is the type of software that I installed onto my computer at home! It's free, open source and well documented. Perfect to get me started. 



There are a lot of different places to buy a domain. The domain I found only costs me $12/year. I chose google because i'm familiar with it. 


Port forwarding

If you don't know what port forwarding is, then an easy way to explain it is opening my websever to the entire internet. 


Dell Computer

After installing Ubuntu server, buying a domain, and port forwarding my computer. The web server is ready to go! It is a Dell optiPlex 7010